Hampshire Down X Lleyn

Hampshire Down X Lleyn working on farms.

Hampshire Down x Lleyn

Catherine Lake, Lincolnshire

Flocks using Hampshire Down over Lleyn ewes

Read their stories and see how they are getting on.

Yellow Tractors, Organics, Herbal Leys and
Maternal Lleyn Ewes

The Lleyn fits the organic system, enabling lambs to be finished off a forage fed diet of clover rich leys, forage rape and kale crops. The flock is run closed hence no females are brought in and only occasional rams to encourage new bloodlines within the nucleus flock. “I look for growth rates and maternal traits with increasing interest in selecting for worm resistance" Matt Haydon Read More>>

The Lleyn Ticks all the boxes for Young Couple Bethan sums up with “The Lleyn is an ewe which we can both handle, she produces marketable lambs and she provides us with the additional option of selling replacements easily.  The Lleyn ticks all the boxes for us” READ MORE>>


Making more from less: the Lleyn + Hampshire Down combo
If you would like to improve your sheep unit’s efficiency, then Mike and Marie Williams have a dual solution. Introducing the Lleyn as their flock damline has enabled them to establish a
closed flock resulting in output improving by over 20% and minimising health risks.
Furthermore, introducing high genetic merit Hampshire Down rams to the bottom end of the
flock has proved complementary, helping to produce faster finishing lambs for an earlier


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