The Society would like to congratulate all exhibitors who brought out a fantastic show of sheep at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show this year.
A special thank you must go to our judge for the day, Phyllida Hale, who did a fantastic job.
Thank you also to Robert Smith - Livestream, Video and Photography for capturing the competition perfectly!
Next up is the Royal Welsh Show, where Lleyn judging will take place on Monday 22nd July at 12pm, in ring 9 & 10. See you there!
Incase you missed it, the full results and photographs are as follows:
Judge: Mrs P Hale, Tiberton, Gloucestershire.
Ram, two shear or over
1st - Mr A W Davies
2nd - Mr A Carter
3rd - T & I Walling
4th - Miss H Dean
Shearling ram
1st - Mr A W Davies
2nd - T & I Walling
3rd - Mr A W Davies
4th - Mr A Carter
5th - Mr R Jones
6th - Mr W Roobottom
Ram lamb
1st - Mr A W Davies
2nd - Mr R Jones
3rd - Mr A W Davies
4th - Mr W Roobottom
5th - Mr W Roobottom
6th - Mr M Harris
Ewe, two shear or over and must have reared a lamb in current year
1st - Mr R Jones
2nd - T & I Walling
3rd - Mr A W Davies
4th - Mr A W Davies
5th - Mr W Roobottom
6th - Mr W Roobottom
Shearling ewe
1st - T & I Walling
2nd - Mr A W Davies
3rd - Mr A Carter
4th - Miss H Dean
5th - Miss H Dean
6th - Mr A W Davies
Ewe lamb
1st - Mr A W Davies
2nd - Mr A W Davies
3rd - Mr M Harris
4th - Mr R Jones
5th - Mr W Roobottom
6th - Mr W Roobottom
1st - Mr A W Davies
2nd - T & I Walling
3rd - Mr A Carter
4th - Mr R Jones
5th - Miss H Dean
Group of three
1st - Mr A W Davies
2nd - T & I Walling
3rd - Mr R Jones
4th - Miss H Dean
Male champion - Mr A W Davies (aged ram)
Reserve male champion - Mr A W Davies (shearling ram)
Female champion - T & I Walling (shearling ewe)
Reserve female champion - Mr A W Davies (shearling ewe)
Overall champion - Mr A W Davies (aged ram)
Reserve champion - T & I Walling (shearling ewe)
Well done all!

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