2024 Ballymena Sale Report
Market records for Lleyn sheep were smashed at the recent Ballymena Society sale, where the Kennedy family, from Ballyclare, enjoyed an exhilarating trade for their stock as they led three of the four sections at this year’s sale.
With breeding stock in demand and a busy ringside of buyers present, prices for shearling ewes soared to £320 on three separate occasions, with two of those pens residing from the Kennedy’s. Both pens, including the pre-sale show first prize pen of 5, were knocked down to F McKenna.
The second prize pen of 5 shearling ewes from A Bothwell, Derryvreee House, matched that £320 price tag, when selling to S Killen.
The Kennedy’s were back in the money again with their third leading pen reaching £315. These girls headed home with R McMurtry, whilst another pen from the same home sold to F McKenna for £310.
The same buyer then forked out £300 for a pen of 5, again from A Bothwell.
Amongst the individual ewes, B & E Latimer, Co. Tyrone, landed the first prize honours in the pre-sale show, before then going on to sell their leading female for £400 to an undisclosed buyer.
The same buyer also secured the second prize individual ewe from A McConville, Co. Down, for £350, as well as the third prize shearling ewe from A Bothwell at £290.
Trade didn’t disappoint as the ewe lambs entered the ring, where a top of £255 was attained for a pen of five from J & C Kennedy, when selling to I Barr.
The Kennedy’s also had forward another pen of 5, this time making £198 and heading home with J & A Morgan.
The second prize pen of ewe lambs from B & E Latimer certainly caught the eye of K O’Donnell, who paid £195 to secure his pick of the bunch, whilst D Mason, Loughisland, sold his best pen at £190 to an undisclosed buyer.
A Bothwell’s third prize pen of 5 ewe lambs caught the attention of buyers and was knocked down at £190, selling to RG McRoberts.
The Daisylane Lleyn flock of G Calwell, Ballymena, enjoyed a successful day with their stock, as his first prize pen of ewe lambs went under the hammer at £185. These girls found a new home with P Jennings.
There was certainly a buzz around the ringside as buyers and vendors alike watched C & A Kennedy break records with their first prize ram, Mileview Mister (01618/2303732), which sold for a top price of 5600gns. Sired by the home-bred Mileview Knightsbridge (01618/2103249), his dam goes back to a ewe bred by Dewi Ellis and he was knocked down to A McDonald.
The same home produced the next two top prices amongst the rams, with Mileview Motivator (01618/2303800) securing a bid of 3600gns. A sire of the 3800gns Southam Kinsman (00306/2103288), his dam is full of Welsh breeding, going back to another Dewi Ellis ewe. Motivator caught the eye of buyer Messrs Morro.
S Killen managed to buy Mileview Marvel (01618/2303740) for 2200gns. Another son of Southam Kinsman (00306/2103288), he is out of the same breeding as the Online Society sale top priced females.
Just behind on 2000gns was the second prize ram from G Calwell, Daisylane Makeurmark (02449/2300728), which was knocked down to D Beattie. Makeurmark stood champion shearling ram and reserve overall champion at this year’s Balmoral Show and is sired by the stock ram (01694/2104670).
Mileview Master (01618/2303681) from J & C Kennedy attained a top of 1600gns when selling to C Richardson. Not only did this boy stand champion at the 2024 Antrim Show, but he is also backed by show winning genetics with his sire being the Mileview Knightsbridge (01618/2103249) and his dam being the RUAS Balmoral champion in 2021 and reserve champion in 2024.
G Calwell’s Daisylane Major (02449/2300756) was sold for 1400gns to D Mullan. This very correct ram is a son of stock tup (01694/2104670) and is out of a home-bred ewe.
Two rams then hit 1300gns, the first coming from the Kennedy pen again, this time in the form of Mileview Monty (01618/2303725). Sired by Bryowen Gold Dust (01159/1703175), he stood champion at this year’s Omagh Show. Monty sold to F Leonard.
CB Quigley, Lisnarragh Road, matched the Kennedy’s 1300gns price with his pen leader (02429/2302783). Backed by home-bred genetics on both sided, with his sire being (02478/1700248), he headed home with J Bradley.
Shearling ewes to £320 (£400) av. £256.72 (+£88.55)
Ewe lambs to £255 av. £167.91
Rams to 5600gns av. 1065.92gns (+196gns)
Top prices
Shearling ewes
C & A Kennedy, £320
J & C Kennedy, £320
A Bothwell, £320
C & A Kennedy, £315
C & A Kennedy, £310
A Bothwell, £300
A Bothwell, £295
A McConville, £270
Earls Abbey Ltd, £260
D Mason, £255
Individual shearling ewes
B & E Latimer, £400
A McConville, £350
A Bothwell, £290
D Mason, £260
Ewe lambs
J & C Kennedy, £255
C & A Kennedy, £198
B Latimer, £195
D Mason, £190
A Bothwell, £190
G Calwell, £185
A Bothwell, £180
A Bothwell, £180
B Latimer, £180
A McConville, £180
J Coulter, £180
Shearling rams
C & A Kennedy, 5600gns
C & A Kennedy, 3600gns
C & A Kennedy, 2200gns
G Calwell, 2000gns
J & C Kennedy, 1600gns
G Calwell, 1400gns
J & C Kennedy, 1300gns
CB Quigley, 1300gns
B Latimer, 1100gns
G Calwell, 1100gns
Show results
Judge: Matt Jenkinson, Cumbria
Shearling ram
1st - C & A Kennedy Lot 83
2nd - G Calwell Lot 112
3rd - J & C Kennedy Lot 98
4th - B & E Latimer Lot 89
Individual ewe
1st - B & E Latimer
2nd - A McConville
3rd - A Bothwell
4th - D Mason
Pen of 5 shearling ewes
1st - J & C Kennedy
2nd - A Bothwell
3rd - D Mason
4th - C & A Kennedy
Pen of 5 ewe lambs
1st - G Calwell
2nd - B Latimer
3rd - A Bothwell
4th - C & A Kennedy