Published on 28 May 2024 at 10:54


The Society is excited to announce a new online sale of Lleyn sheep to be held this year, commencing on Wednesday 31st July and ending Friday 2nd August, at 8pm.



Catalogue Viewing of Sale Entries -  Friday 19th July
Photos/ Videos in by Wednesday 24th July

Entries Close on Friday 26th July


Information Displayed on the Online Auction:

Footnotes – A maximum of up to 30 words included. Additional information regarding the flock health is encouraged and will be displayed outwith the individual footnotes.


Images/Videos - To support the animals you will be offering for sale, the images and video supplied will be on view on the webpage to assist in the marketing of each entry.

  1. Up to four images can be supplied in a high resolution, landscape viewing (if the photos are taken on a mobile phone please make sure the phone is turned on its side).


  1. All images to be supplied in a jpeg format. Please make sure the background and surrounding area of where the photo is being taken is presentable. 
    • Images should be taken on concrete or other hard surface, so feet and legs can be seen clearly.
    • Sideway Views
    • Rear/three quarter side views
    • Front/three quarter side views


  1. Videos to be in an MP4 format. The video only requires to be between 20 - 30 seconds long, please be aware of any copyright infringements if you use background music.


  1. The presentation area/background of where the images and video are taken are a key element to the final process, please remember to be aware of what is around the animals when doing this.


  1. All images and videos to be sent in the following methods -
  • WhatsApp (contact number Anna McGregor 07922 001114)
  • Email –
  • WeTransfer –

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