The Society and Scottish & Borders Lleyn Breeders Club had a great day last Wednesday (5th June) at NSA Scotsheep.
We had a great selection of sheep on the stand including: Lleyn Ewes with New Zealand Suffolk cross lambs from D & L Steen, Moffat; Lleyn Ewes with Border Leicester cross lambs from Farmstock Genetics, Selkirk; and Lleyn gimmers from Farmstock Genetics, Selkirk.
It was pleasing to see a steady stream of visitors to the stand throughout that day, including both past and potential purchasers.
Some of our key take home messages from the day included: past purchaser's were really impressed with the mothering ability of Lleyns, especially in such a difficult spring.
It was pleasing to see that several breed stands had Lleyn ewes with cross-bred lambs at foot on them. Demonstrating the great crossing ability of the Lleyns.
An increased concern about Maedi Visna and the devastating consequences of an outbreak - the majority of sheep sold at Society Sales come from accredited flocks.
A big thank you to everyone who visited and helped on the stand. We look forward to seeing you again at shows and sales this year.
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