MV Accredited New Rule Change GIMMERING

If you purchase ewe lambs to sell as Shearlings/Gimmers read how this new rule change will help you

Accredited ewe lambs may be purchased and sold as accredited gimmers the following year under some


In summary:

• The ewe lambs may join an established accredited flock. In this case they are treated as added

accredited animals (see Rule 6.2), and require an added accredited animal test 6 to 12 months

after joining the flock, or before sale if this is earlier.


• The ewe lambs are set up as a separate fully biosecure group. The group retains accreditation,

but lose it if they are not all tested by 13 months after establishing the group (the test is due in 6-

12 months, plus the one month grace period routinely added to all health certificates). If sold

before the group has been established for 13 months, they can be sold as accredited with no

additional testing


For More Information contact SURC



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